
10 Soal Kalimat Aktif & 10 Soal Kalimat Pasif

10 Soal Kalimat Aktif

1. Nida drink milk every morning

2. She have watered this plant

3. They eat fried rice in “Rahmat’s Warung”

4. Risa was buying fruits in Indomart

5. Fika will learn history tomorrow

6. He had swam them before i came

7. He will play badminton this morning.

8. She had watered this flower for 5 minutes when i got here

9. He has met them

10. She look snake in garden

Answer :

1. Milk is drunk by Nida every morning

2. This plant have been watered by her

3. fried rice is eaten by them in “Rahmat’s Warung”

4. Fruits were being bought by risa in Indomart

5. History will be learnt by Fika tomorrow

6. They had been swam by him before i came

7. Badmintonwill be played by him this morning

8. This flower had been watered by her for 5 minutes when i got here

9. They have been met by him

10. Snake is looked by her in garden.

10 Soal Kalimat Pasif

1. Mouse is being annihilated by Sella in bed room

2. A house is built by them in a Bank of river

3. Knife is being washed by Rima in kitchen

4. Lobsters are caught by Radit this morning

5. English is taught by Mrs Sintia everyday

6. Cake will be made by kella this morning

7. Letter is writen by Raymon every month

8. The universe created by the god

9. Sms is sent by Mrs Ana to his secretary every morning

10. They were met by him yesterday

Answer :

1. Sella is annihilating mouse in bed room

2. They build house in bank of river

3. Rio is washing knife in kitchen

4. Radit is catches lobster this morning

5. Mrs Sintia teaches english everyday

6. Kella will make cake this morning

7. Raymon is write letter every month

8. The god creat the universe

9. Mrs Ana send sms to his secretary every morning

10. He met them yesterday

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